You definitely get what you pay for. Very smooth purchase transaction and I use the Aerocreeper just about every day in some form or fashion. As a matter of fact, at this very moment I’m enjoying lunch and am seated on my Aerocreeper in my hangar. Without a doubt, highly recommend this company and their products!
Not many products are built as well as this. Very satisfied.
I don't know how will be able to properly detail under the wings and the belly of the
Aircraft's without have this aerocreeper it is very comfortable, convenient and more importantly it make you look like a professional.
What a back saver
nice to not have to search for your tools on the ground
Customer Reviews
You definitely get what you pay for. Very smooth purchase transaction and I use the Aerocreeper just about every day in some form or fashion. As a matter of fact, at this very moment I’m enjoying lunch and am seated on my Aerocreeper in my hangar. Without a doubt, highly recommend this company and their products!
Not many products are built as well as this. Very satisfied.
I don't know how will be able to properly detail under the wings and the belly of the
Aircraft's without have this aerocreeper it is very comfortable, convenient and more importantly it make you look like a professional.
What a back saver
nice to not have to search for your tools on the ground